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Compound 79-24-3, also known as potassium chromate, is a chemical compound with versatile applications in various industries, including manufacturing, photography, and laboratory research. Understanding its chemical properties is crucial for optimizing its usage and ensuring safety in handling and disposal.

Chemical Structure and Composition:

At the molecular level, potassium chromate has the chemical formula K2CrO4 and a molar mass of 194.19 g/mol. Its chemical structure consists of two potassium ions (K+) ionically bonded to a chromate anion (CrO4^2-). The chromate ion comprises a central chromium atom bonded to four oxygen atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement, giving it a yellow coloration.

Physical Properties:

Physically, potassium chromate appears as bright yellow crystals or a yellow crystalline powder. It is highly soluble in water, producing a yellow solution, and exhibits a melting point of approximately 968°C. Potassium chromate is hygroscopic, absorbing moisture from the atmosphere, and its aqueous solutions are alkaline due to the hydrolysis of chromate ions.

Chemical Behavior and Reactions:

In terms of chemical behavior, potassium chromate is a strong oxidizing agent, capable of transferring oxygen atoms to other substances in redox reactions. It readily oxidizes various organic and inorganic compounds, including alcohols, aldehydes, and sulfides, forming corresponding products. Potassium chromate can also undergo acid-base reactions, where it reacts with acids to form chromic acid and with bases to form chromate salts.

If you want to read more about 79-24-3 you can do it here


Potassium chromate finds widespread use in industrial processes, such as in the production of dyes, pigments, and tanning agents. It serves as a corrosion inhibitor for metals, particularly in the aerospace and automotive industries. In laboratories, potassium chromate is employed as an indicator in titration reactions, where its color change from yellow to orange signals the endpoint of the reaction.

Safety Considerations:

Due to its oxidizing properties, potassium chromate poses hazards to health and the environment. Inhalation or ingestion of its dust or solutions can cause irritation to the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Prolonged exposure may lead to chronic health effects, including respiratory disorders and dermatitis. Proper handling, storage, and disposal procedures are essential to mitigate these risks and ensure workplace safety.


In conclusion, potassium chromate (79-24-3) is a versatile chemical compound with significant industrial and laboratory applications. Its chemical properties, including its oxidizing nature and solubility characteristics, underpin its diverse uses across various sectors. Understanding the behavior of potassium chromate is essential for harnessing its benefits while minimizing associated risks to human health and the environment.

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